The word Gweles comes from Cornish language, translating to 'see'.
As were a group of the Falmouth University Graduates of 2022, the name itself was decided upon our mutual love of photography and of where we came to further our studies.
Featured Work
The Free Range
The Free Range Exhibition hosted at the Truman Brewery (London) was where we showcased the work of Gweles, displaying a wide range of work demonstrating the various meanings, techniques and abilities we had achieved over the three years.

My work featured was my final project submission, 'Glitched Reality'.
'Glitched Reality' was an extremely personal project, viewing the chemical imbalances that cause mental health issues within the brain as a glitch. The term 'glitch' meaning a problem or malfunction within a system or machine.
The project itself was inspired by my friends, family and my own mental health issues.